Overcoming the festering ears in children at home

Suppurating ears, or the medical term referred to as otitis media, are generally caused by an infection in the middle ear. Pus accumulation in the ear causes pain for several weeks and must be treated immediately so as not to cause hearing problems. Fester of the ear in children initially experienced by those who have colds or upper respiratory tract infections. Fluid from the airways will accumulate in the middle ear through a channel called the eustachian tube, and then create a perfect container for germs and viruses to multiply. Eustachian tube is a channel that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. This channel is shorter and more horizontal in children than in adults. This is what makes microorganisms easily enter, causing ear drum infection. This eardrum infection generally occurs in children under the age of 10 years. Symptoms shown in children with acute ear drum infections include pain in the ear, lethargy, irritability, crying, not eating, and restlessness. Sometimes children also experience fever and vomiting.

Why Do Ears Fester?

As explained above, suppurating ears are most commonly suffered by children with upper respiratory tract infections. At the time of infection, the respiratory tract will swell due to the inflammation process formed by the body. This swelling will clog the connecting channel between the eardrum and the throat, called the eustachian tube. The blockage in the eustachian tube causes air to not enter the middle ear, resulting in a vacuum that will draw fluid and germs from the nose and throat to the middle ear. When germs enter the middle ear, the body's white blood cells will react to eliminate infection and prevent wider damage. Collection of white blood cells that die against infection is called pus. This pus will accumulate over time, thereby suppressing the eardrum and causing the eardrum to become prominent. Protrusion of the eardrum is often accompanied by pain, so sufferers will tend to seek help immediately. This needs to be treated immediately to avoid hearing loss. In addition to medical treatment, this suppurating ear treatment can still be done naturally at home, especially to reduce pain and swelling.

Home Ear Care Treatment

Pain in the ear does not need to be treated directly in the hospital. At a mild level, the pain can still be relieved through first aid at home. Efforts that can be made are:
  • Warm water compresses on the outside of the ear to help relieve pain. But do it carefully, do not let warm water dripping into the ear canal.
  • Cold water compress can also be done if warm water does not help. Compress the sore ear with cold water for 20 minutes. Avoid temperatures that are too cold because it can cause frostbite.
  • Olive oil can also help reduce pain. Just a few drops at each ear hole can relieve pain.
  • Chewing or yawning can help relieve middle ear pressure. Occasionally, a burst of sound will indicate that the eustachian tubes are open and closed to balance the pressure.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep the body hydrated. As an ideal measure, children aged 9-12 years should be given 1.5 liters of water every day.
In addition to these natural treatments, pain medications and fever, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, can also be given to children with suppurating ears. Antibiotics can also be prescribed by a doctor if suppurating ears get worse.


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