Beware of Shortness of Breath During Young Pregnancy and How to Overcome It

Shortness of breath during young pregnancy is one of the complaints that are often experienced. In addition to knowing the causes and how to overcome them, it is important to be aware of dangerous signs of shortness of breath. Many pregnant women experience shortness of breath. It is estimated that more than half of all pregnant women have experienced this. The risk of shortness of breath is greater in pregnant women who are twins or who have gained a lot of weight.

The Body Adaptation Process

Although many people think that shortness of breath occurs towards the end of pregnancy, actually shortness of breath during a young pregnancy can occur, namely in the first trimester or second trimester. In the first trimester of pregnancy, an increase in the hormone progesterone can trigger shortness of breath. The hormone progesterone will stimulate the brain to send messages so that the lungs take in more air. Thus, pregnant women often feel the need to take a deep breath more often. This is a way for the body to adapt during pregnancy, while getting more oxygen for the fetus. Meanwhile, shortness of breath that occurs in the third trimester occurs because the uterus pushes the muscles under the ribs so that it also pushes the lungs. Pregnant women may be able to breathe more easily a few weeks before delivery, because the baby has moved down toward the pelvis.

How to overcome

Here are some ways that can help pregnant women breathe more easily:
  • Set the sitting position

  • Sit up straight and pull your shoulders back. This sitting position will provide enough space for the lungs to take the necessary oxygen.
  • Avoid hurry

  • Although pregnant women can remain active in various activities. Avoid haste when doing activities and do not force yourself.
  • Take time to relax

  • Although it's not easy, pregnant women who experience shortness of breath are advised to take time to relax. Tension will only trigger more shortness of breath even more. If necessary, relax time at the same time used to rest.
  • Use extra pillows

  • If shortness of breath is felt when sleeping position. Pregnant women can use some extra pillows that support the back.
  • Light exercise

  • The body that is less fit can trigger shortness of breath during young pregnancy. Mild exercise during pregnancy will give the body a chance to get more oxygen. Mild exercise means pregnant women can still talk without shortness of breath. One option is yoga for pregnant women. This exercise will practice breathing as well as stretching which can improve posture.

Alert Alert Signs

Although classified as normal, it is important to know the condition of shortness of breath during pregnancy which is considered dangerous. Pregnant women with asthma and pneumonia, it is advisable to consult a doctor from the beginning. Be vigilant if pregnant women experience the following conditions:
  • Shortness of breath accompanied by a rapid heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath with pale or blue colored lips, fingers or toes.
  • Shortness of breath accompanied by a cough that continues with fever, chills, or coughing up blood.
  • Shortness of breath with chest pain. In addition shortness of breath when lying down or occurs at night must also be aware of.
  • Severe shortness of breath, even followed by loss of consciousness after exhausting activities.
The symptoms above can occur suddenly or get worse quickly. Immediately consult a doctor or the closest hospital. If you experience shortness of breath during young pregnancy, do not ever hesitate to submit a complaint to your obstetrician.


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