Overcoming the festering ears in children at home
Suppurating ears, or the medical term referred to as otitis media, are generally caused by an infection in the middle ear. Pus accumulation in the ear causes pain for several weeks and must be treated immediately so as not to cause hearing problems. Fester of the ear in children initially experienced by those who have colds or upper respiratory tract infections. Fluid from the airways will accumulate in the middle ear through a channel called the eustachian tube, and then create a perfect container for germs and viruses to multiply. Eustachian tube is a channel that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. This channel is shorter and more horizontal in children than in adults. This is what makes microorganisms easily enter, causing ear drum infection. This eardrum infection generally occurs in children under the age of 10 years. Symptoms shown in children with acute ear drum infections include pain in the ear, lethargy, irritability, crying, not eating, and rest...